Networking Model Of University

Connections across the University.

Project Date July, 2019
Type Summer Training Project
Technologies Cisco packet tracer
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The planning of the implementation of a computer network infrastructure.Network design involves evaluating, understanding and scoping the network to be implemented.

The whole network design is usually represented as a network diagram that serves as the blueprint for implementing the network physically.

Typically, network design includes the following: * Logical map of the network to be designed * Cabling structure * Quantity, type and location of network devices (router, switches, servers) * IP addressing structure * Network security architecture and overall network security processes

I have done this Project during my summer training and after completing my specialisation Cisco Networking Basics. This project helped me understand the FLSM and VLSM and how it's being implemented in real life.

I designed the network model of my Univerity i.e., Lovely Professional University.

It was bit difficult to configure such a large networking design but it was possible as i had enough time to complete it.